BCオール都道府県人会主催「お国自慢 No.5 和歌山県」&「お国自慢 No.6 愛媛県」

 今年から発足した「BCオール都道府県人会」は都道府県単位でゆかりのあるBC州住民が自分達のルーツを楽しく紹介するイベントを企画しています。2月からZOOM配信による「お国自慢」を実施、今までは石川県、東京都、滋賀県、静岡県の発表、第5回は和歌山県、 第6回は愛媛県です。



 日時:8月28日(土)7:00 pm – 8:15 pm PST

 日時:9月3日(金)7:00 pm – 8:15 pm PST
主催 BCオール都道府県人会
後援 日本カナダ商工会議所

お問い合わせは bc.all.jpa@gmail.com までお願いします。

The BC All Japanese Prefecture Association was formed this year to organize and conduct fun and informative events at a prefectural level that are hosted by British Columbia residents with personal ties to Japan.

Since February, we have been doing events by Zoom titled “Okuni Jiman” which translates to “Boasting (bragging) about your Furusato”, and so far Ishikawa, Tokyo, Shiga and Shizuoka prefectures have been introduced, and the upcoming 5th and 6th events will be about Wakayama and Ehime prefecture respectively. 

The presentation will be in English and Japanese, and we look forward to having Canadians who want to know more about local Japan as well as Japanese wanting to rediscover their country of birth.This is a free event open to anyone interested.

The 5th presentation will be about the latest news from Mio Mihama-cho, Wakayama which has a deep historical tie with British Columbia, and the 6th will introduce Matsuyama, Ehime, known as “the onsen, castle and literature town”.

Wakayama “Okuni Jiman” Date:
28 August (Sat) 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm Pacific (BC) Time
Registration: Please click on the link below before the start of the event: https://forms.gle/93UWDbvkS8hhd1KL8

Ehime “Okuni Jiman”
 Date: 3 Sept (Fri) 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm Pacific (BC) Time
 Registration: Please click on the link below before the start of the event: https://forms.gle/4Knv1x949VgEVUJw8

Organized by: BC All Japanese Prefecture Association
Supported by: Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce
For details, please contact  bc.all.jpa@gmail.com