上西ケイさん(Kaye Koichi Kaminishi)
羽鳥 隆
上西功一さん 100才の誕生日 おめでとうございます。
Congratulations on your 100th birthday, Kaye Kaminishi.
As a witness to the history of Vancouver Asahi, I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.
From Satoshi Matsumiya, the grandson of Sotojiro Matsumiya, the first leader of Vancouver Asahi – Hikone Japan
嶋 洋文(初代朝日選手の嶋正一の甥。バンクーバー朝日研究者)
Congratulations to Mr. Kaye Kaminishi on your 100th birthday! I would like to express my sincere respect to Mr. Kaminishi for the great contribution you have made as a valuable player of the Vancouver Asahi. I am amazed at how young you are. I hope you will continue to be healthy and active.
Yobun Shima (Nephew of Shoichi Shima, one of the first Asahi players. Vancouver Asahi researcher)
Happy 100th birthday Kaye! I remember the fun we had during the filming of the Historica Canada Heritage Minute about the Vancouver Asahi baseball team.

We look forward to celebrating your future birthdays and making more good memories.
With many best wishes on behalf of the National Association of Japanese Canadians,
Lorene Oikawa
President, National Association of Japanese Canadians
Granddaughter of Kenichi “Ken” Doi, Vancouver Asahi Baseball Team Member
“On behalf of Shin Asahi Baseball, we wish Kaye a Happy 100th Birthday!! Kaye has been and will always be a great inspiration to our young players, alumni, and general membership. His encouragement to keep the Asahi legacy going has motivated us to continuously to tell the Asahi story to keep the cherished memories of Asahi alive. Congratulations on your Centurion Birthday!!”
John Wong
Founding Member
Asahi Baseball Association
Kaye San, thank you so much for what you’ve done for the local Baseball community, for highlighting the history of the Japanese Canadian community and thank you for continuing to inspire and motivate us to continue on the legacy of the Vancouver Asahi. I would personally like to thank you for being in the dugout with me for so many games in Vancouver and Kamloops and for giving me so much great advice. Congratulations to you and your amazing family!
Tomio Fukumura
Vice president, Asahi Baseball Association
2022 Japan Tour Asst Coach
Dear Mr. Kaminishi,
We wish to celebrate your 100th birthday! Throughout your life, you have demonstrated resilience and grace. You continue to be a role model to so many of our members. We appreciate the profound impact you have had on baseball and our community. Thank you for your support and we wish you all the best in this momentous year!
Emiko Ando
Past President
Asahi Baseball Association
Happy Birthday Mr. Kaminishi. This is a big one for sure. To this day you could still probably beat me in a base race if we had one. This association that you were apart of has grown so much, and I feel honored to be a part of it. The hardships you endured and overcame inspire us every day. I know I speak for everyone here; thank you for teaching us valuable life lessons and we wish you a very happy birthday.
Gabe Powell
2022 Japan Tour Captain
(取材 三島直美 / Naomi Mishima)