ZOOMイベント第11回「お国自慢 – I ❤️ MY HOMETOWN」はBC州デルタ市出身で長年長野県在住のジャッキー・F・スチールさんが長野県南部の日本アルプスに挟まれた酒造を取材。
「仙醸」は伊那谷で160年近く日本酒を造っています。ジャッキーさんから家族代々が続けてきた酒造会社の内情を紹介、黒河内貴 社長と現在の生産やイノベーションについて会談、日本酒と地元の珍味のマッチングを試してみます。
日時: 2022年5月29日(日)7:00pm-8:00pm PST (BC Time)(5月30日(月)11:00am-12:00pm JST)
お問い合わせは「お国自慢 – I ❤️ MY HOMETOWN 実行委員会」bc.japan.event@gmail.com までお願いします。
「お国自慢 – I ❤️ MY HOMETOWN」
実行委員会 代表 渡辺 雅之
Contact: Mas Watanabe
cell (778)320-4533
bc.japan.event@gmail.com (メールアドレスが変わりました)
The 11th “Okuni Jiman – I MY HOMETOWN” Zoom Event welcomes a Delta, BC local but longtime Nagano resident, Jackie F. Steele to report a sake brewery located in southern Nagano surrounded by the beautiful Japanese Alps. Senjo has been making sake for nearly 160 years in the Ina Valley. Jackie will help us discover behind-the-scenes treasures of this dynamic brewery, passed down by generations, she will discuss its current production and innovations with the brewery president Takashi Kurogochi, and she will enjoy a unique pairing of their sakes with some very rare local culinary delights.
This event is free and open to all interested. Presentations will use a mix of English and Japanese.
WHEN: Sunday, May 29th 2022 at 7:00pm-8:00pm PST (BC Time) (Monday, May 30th at 11:00am-12:00pm JST)
REGISTRATION: Please click on the link below or scan the QR Code on the attached poster:
For details, please contact the Okuni Jiman – I MY HOMETOWN Organizing Committee at bc.japan.event@gmail.com