ホーム 著者 からの投稿 Naomi Mishima

Naomi Mishima

Naomi Mishima
1540 投稿 0 コメント


パウエル祭が最も盛り上がる相撲大会。女子決勝戦!2022年7月31日、オッペンハイマー公園。Photo by Japan Canada Today
パウエル祭が最も盛り上がる相撲大会。女子決勝戦!2022年7月31日、オッペンハイマー公園。Photo by Japan Canada Today



 そして、もう一つのお楽しみがLottery当選者の発表!The Powell Street Festival Societyが発表した当選者は以下のとおり。


Thank you very much for supporting Powell Street Festival through our lottery! Here are our winners(Lotteryへの参加を通してパウエルストリートフェスティバルを支援していただきありがとうございました。当選者は以下のとおりです):

Grand Prize! – Staycation at The Listel Hotel for Two – Kunji Ikeda, #2909

2nd Prize – Dinner & Music Package – Connie Kadota, #1050

3rd Prize – Festival Nights Out – Midori Sakuta, #096

4th Prize – Festival Celebrations – Diane, #1950

5th Prize – Fun with Friends – Sayuri Katayama, #1567

6th Prize – Kathy Shimizu Print – K Yoshida, #2817

7th Prize – Collection of Books and Magazines – Kunji Ikeda, #920

8th Prize – Dine Out – Lisa Uyeda, #166

9th Prize – Arsenal Pulp Press Books #1 – Helen Kang, #1267

10th Prize – Showstopper – Erin Nishi, #2018

11th Prize – Big Basket of Gift Cards – Aaron Oye, #2041

12th Prize – Supreme Foodie – Yoko Lin, #1098

13th Prize – Treat Yourself #1 – Masami Hanashiro, #587

14th Prize – Arsenal Pulp Press Books #2 – Linda Ham, #882

15th Prize – Anvil Press Books and Magazines – Masami Hanashiro, #636

16th Prize – Treat Yourself #2 – Gaven Montesano, #2896

17th Prize – Shop and Dine – Simon Bruins, #293

18th Prize – Shop and Dine – Tanya Petreman, #152

19th Prize – Deluxe Foodie – Lisa Mah, #1465

20th Prize – Deluxe Foodie – Rika Uto, #482

Powell Street Festival will contact you if you have not yet collected your prize. (パウエルストリートフェスティバルは賞品を受け取っていない人に連絡いたします)

Special thanks to our lottery prize sponsors The Listel Hotel, Hapa Izakaya, and Mint Records for sponsoring prizes. Thank you also to our prize donors: Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, Dosanko, Vancouver International Film Festival, TAKENAKA, NAMI Studio, Cadeaux Bakery, Kathy Shimizu, The Bulletin Magazine, Meditating Bunny Inc., Aburi Restaurants Canada, Arsenal Pulp Press, the frank theatre, The Cinematheque, Vancouver Ikebana Association, Out & About, Murata, Massy Books, The Postcard Place, Fujiya, Haisai! Sweets & Treats, Sunrise Market, Tokyo Katsu-Sand, Anvil Press, Mr. Japanese Curry.


Honda Celebration of Lightスペインで閉幕

Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito

 バンクーバー夏の風物詩Honda Celebration of Lightは、7月30日にスペインの華々しいフィナーレで幕を閉じた。



(写真 斉藤光一)

Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Spain of Honda Celebration of Light. July 30, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito





 タニア・ビジンティン巡査は「我々のコミュニティの弱者を狙ったショッキングな攻撃だ」とし、目撃者や関係者へ情報の提供を呼びかけている。VPD’s Major Crime 604−717−2541またはCrime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477。





シニアを狙った犯罪を繰り返したとみられるAna Marie Lat Chamdal。サレーRCMPが情報提供を求めてる。Photo released by Surrey RCMP
シニアを狙った犯罪を繰り返したとみられるAna Marie Lat Chamdal。サレーRCMPが情報提供を求めてる。Photo released by Surrey RCMP
シニアを狙った犯罪を繰り返したとみられるAna Marie Lat Chamdal。サレーRCMPが情報提供を求めてる。Photo released by Surrey RCMP
シニアを狙った犯罪を繰り返したとみられるAna Marie Lat Chamdal。サレーRCMPが情報提供を求めてる。Photo released by Surrey RCMP




 同容疑者はリッチモンド、デルタ、サレー、ホワイトロック市でケアエイドとして働いていた経験がある。警察は捜査のため、容疑者の写真を公開し、情報提供を呼びかけている。Surrey RCMP Financial Crime Unit 604-599-0502。



S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 8月オンラインワークショップのお知らせ「PRカード更新」

テーマ「PRカード 更新」

日時:2022年8月30日(火) 午後5時~午後6時(無料)

申し込みリンク: https://bit.ly/3unhCLj




お申込み・問い合わせ:kozue.ito@success.bc.ca / 236-880-3392 こずえまで

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 8月のワークショップのお知らせ

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 8月オンラインワークショップのお知らせ「BCハウジング&家賃補助プログラム」

テーマ「 BCハウジング&家賃補助プログラム」日本語通訳つき

日時:2022年8月17日(水) 午前10時~午後12時(無料)

申し込みリンク: https://bit.ly/3a9scyN



お申込み・問い合わせ:kozue.ito@success.bc.ca / 236-880-3392 こずえまで

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 8月のワークショップのお知らせ





ズーム参加 すべてのクラス 1回$4
・チェアーエクササイズ・チェアーダンス 1回$5
・パーキンソン症の方のボクシングクラス・ビーフィット 1回$8

*詳細・ご質問 KWLInstructor@nikkeishc.com

Celebrating the Past, Present and Future of Nikkei Home

今年20周年を迎えるロバート・ニイミ日系ホーム。Robert Nimi Nikkei Home celebrating 20th anniversary

Recognizing the 20th Anniversary of Nikkei Home

By Ruth Coles, President, Nikkei Health Care and Housing Society and Shihori Scott-Montcrieff, Project Coordinator, Robert Nimi Nikkei Home’s 20th Anniversary

“OK, everyone!  Push yourself up with the chair.  Let’s try 12 times!  Ready?  Here we go!  1, 2, 3….” 

The lively voice of Hiromi, our exercise instructor, echoes through the hallway and participating residents are moving and stretching their well-used arms and legs.  In our salon room, some residents are enjoying their weekly beautification.  And on the 4th floor, smiles and laughter of seniors enjoying their weekly chat with volunteers are lighting up the room.

We all strive to live a long and healthy life with dignity, pride, and independence.  However, as years pass by, our well-used bodies start to face some challenges and our confidence and smile fade away.  Accepting the reality that we are no longer able to do what we could is devastating.  Imagine being moved to a place with unfamiliar faces, food, and language…

For the Japanese Canadian community, providing services and programs to meet the needs of Japanese Canadians and creating a home where Japanese Canadian seniors can have access to familiar foods, be understood, and maintain connections to the Japanese community have been a priority for many years.  From the moment the idea of building a care home to meet the needs of isolated Japanese Canadian seniors was raised till today, many individuals in the community have dedicated themselves to make their dream a reality. 

Their journey started with the establishment of the Japanese Canadian Society in 1973 that addressed the housing needs of single Japanese Canadians and lead to building Sakura-so on Powell Street.  While many single Japanese Canadian seniors were able to live in bed sitting rooms with minor cooking facilities, concerns for isolated Japanese Canadian seniors at local care facilities and need for a culturally sensitive facility for Japanese Canadian seniors became prominent.

In 1981, an Ad Hoc committee was formed which was followed by a public meeting and the recruitment of interested individuals in 1984.  Two years later, the Japanese Canadian Health Care Society was incorporated and became a charitable organization.

As Nikkei Place began to take shape through the purchase of land made possible by funding from the federal redress settlement, the building of New Sakura-so occurred in 1998 followed by the merger of the Japanese Canadian Society and the Japanese Canadian Health Care Society to become the “Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society” in 2001.  Through funding from BC Housing management, Fraser Health Authority, and significant contributions from the Japanese Canadian community, Nikkei Home, an assisted living residence of 59 suites, became a reality on September 13, 2002.  “Respect, Dignity, Independence, Choice, and Privacy” were adopted as the guiding principles in providing care to seniors.

Since the opening, the society has been endlessly finding a way to improve the lives of the residents and individuals with mild to moderate dementia who wish to remain at their own home.   In 2013, with funding from New Horizons and the Vancouver Foundation, dementia-friendly outreach programs called “Iki Iki”, “kudiroaku” and “Sukuyoka” started.  In 2018, Nikkei Home welcomed 5 additional units and Kenko Lounge and, in honour of Robert Nimi, who dedicated over 24 years of his life to the establishment and the operation of Nikkei Home, it was renamed “Robert Nimi Nikkei Home”.  

Today, Nikkei Home is packed with weekly activities such as bingo, ikebana and art table, and many residents come out to add joy to their day.  And thanks to technology, residents connect with their loved ones via Zoom, which is a silver lining throughout the isolation imposed by the COVID pandemic.

September 13th of this year will mark the 20 years of “Kenko de Nagaiki” (Live, Laugh, and Age with grace).  We will be celebrating this special day on September 17th at Nikkei Place Event Hall with invited guests.  It is a day to celebrate the Japanese Canadian community as a whole, as it was the community members who united and made a difference for others. And it is a day to acknowledge and cherish the past and present of the community spirit, perseverance, love, care and volunteerism, which will live on into the future.

Looking back at the day “Nikkei Home” was just an idea, we have come so far but our journey never ends.   Now we ask ourselves, what is the future of seniors care in the Japanese Canadian community?   Is it the development of additional home support programs for seniors? Is it the development of more programs connecting seniors virtually to each other with “at home” exercise programs and socialization? Is it the expansion of our current residences and the development of a complex care residence once the current services are no longer able to meet their needs?

It is all of the foregoing needs that need to be addressed and we are committed to continuing the journey to explore the possibilities of the future.

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今年20周年を迎えるロバート・ニイミ日系ホーム。Robert Nimi Nikkei Home celebrating 20th anniversary

ルース・コールズ(日系シニアズ・ヘルスケア住宅協会 会長)、

翻訳:並木 真理子

「さあ、みなさん!  椅子を使って腕立て伏せをしましょう。12回やってみましょう。準備はいいですか? では始めましょう。 1、 2、 3…」                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

エクササイズ・インストラクター、ひろみさんの元気な声が廊下に響き、参加入居者は、長年使ってきた手足を動かし、ストレッチしています。 サロンルームでは、毎週美容を楽しむ入居者もいます。 そして4階の部屋は、ボランティアと毎週のおしゃべりを楽しむシニアの皆さんの笑顔と笑い声があふれています。

私達は皆、尊厳と誇りをもって、そして自立して健康に長生きすることを目指しています。 しかし、年月が経つにつれ、長いこと使ってきた体にも不具合が生じ始め、自信や笑顔は失われていきます。 今まで出来ていたことがもうできないという現実を受け入れるのは、とてもつらいことです。 知らない人ばかりで、食べ慣れない食事や不慣れな言葉の所に移ることを想像してみてください。


その構想実現への道のりは、1973年のジャパニーズ・カナディアン・ソサエティ(Japanese Canadian Society)設立に始まり、これが単身の日系カナダ人の住宅ニーズに応じた、パウエルストリートの「さくら荘」完成へとつながりました。多くの単身日系カナダ人シニアが、簡易な調理設備を備えたワンルームに住むことができるようになった一方で、地域の介護施設で孤立する日系シニアへの懸念や、彼らの文化に配慮した施設の必要性が浮き彫りになりました。

1981年、特別委員会が設立され、1984年には公聴会が開かれ、関心のある人々が集められました。 その2年後、ジャパニーズ・カナディアン・ヘルスケア・ソサエティ(Japanese Canadian Healthcare Society)が慈善団体として法人化されました。

カナダ政府の日系カナダ人に対する戦後補償(リドレス合意)で土地の購入が可能になり日系プレースが具体化すると、まず1998年にシニアの集合住宅・新さくら荘が建設され、2001年にはジャパニーズ・カナディアン・ソサエティ(Japanese Canadian Society)とジャパニーズ・カナディアン・ヘルスケア・ソサエティ(Japanese Canadian Healthcare Society)が合併し、「日系シニアズ・ヘルスケア住宅協会」となりました。 そして、BCハウジングおよびフレーザーヘルス保健局からの資金援助と、日系カナダ人コミュニティからの多大なご寄付により、2002年9月13日に59室の介護付きシニア住宅、日系ホームが実現したのです。高齢者介護の指針として「敬愛、尊厳、自立、選択、プライバシー」が採用されました。

日系ホームの開所以来、私達日系シニアズ・ヘルスケア住宅協会は、当ホームの入居者や、住み慣れた我が家で過ごしたいと願う軽・中等度の認知症の方々の生活の質を向上する方法をずっと模索してきました。2013年、高齢者のためのNew Horizonsプログラムとバンクーバー財団の資金援助により、認知症にやさしいアウトリーチプログラム「いきいきプログラム」「食動楽プログラム」「健やかクリニック」が始まりました。 2018年には、日系ホームに5室と健康ラウンジが増設され、24年以上にわたり日系ホームの設立と運営に貢献したロバート新見氏の功績を称え、「ロバート新見日系ホーム」と改称しました。 

今日、日系ホームでは、ビンゴ、生け花、アートテーブルなどたくさんのアクティビティが毎週開催され、多くの入居者が参加し、日々の生活を充実させています。 また、コロナ禍での面会制限の間もテクノロジーのおかげで、入居者はZoomで自分の大切な人とつながることができ、せめてもの救いとなっています。




(寄稿 日系シニアズ・ヘルスケア住宅協会)


日本優勝なるか?Honda Celebration of Light 明日フィナーレ!(Photo)

Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito

 バンクーバーダウンタウンのイングリッシュベイで7月23日から3年ぶりに開催されている花火大会Honda Celebration of Light。参加国は、23日に日本、27日カナダ、そして明日30日はフィナーレを飾るスペイン。

 Honda Celebration of Lightは投票形式でその年の優勝が決まる仕組み。すでに投票受付も始まっている。果たして今年は?




Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito
Team Japan of Honda Celebration of Light. July 23, 2022, English Bay, Vancouver, BC; Photo by ©Koichi Saito



サル痘ウイルス。Photo from National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases Website
サル痘ウイルス。Photo from National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases Website












最長レーンの長さが137メートルもある巨大プール、キツラノプール。海のすぐそばにあり、塩辛い。Photo by Pacific Walkers
最長レーンの長さが137メートルもある巨大プール、キツラノプール。海のすぐそばにあり、塩辛い。Photo by Pacific Walkers




  • 9:30am – 11:45am
  • 12:15pm – 2:30pm 
  • 3pm – 5:15pm 
  • 5:45pm – 7:45pm 

 8月2日から9月5日までは一般利用のほかに、長い距離を泳ぐLength swimmingも早朝のみ利用できる。利用時間は以下のとおり。

Length swimming

  • 7am – 8am  
  • 8:15am – 9:15am 

Public swimming

  • 9:30am – 11:45am
  • 12:15pm – 2:30pm
  • 3pm – 5:15pm
  • 5:45pm – 7:45pm 





Today’s セレクト
