Thank you, @JJHorgan, for your many years of public service. From our taking ambitious climate action, to making child care more affordable, to the leadership you provided keeping people safe through COVID-19, I always appreciated working with you. Wishing you all the best, John.
Lara Wong Flamenco Trio is from Madrid, Spain. It was corroborated by the flutist Lara Wong and Spain’s top flamenco guitarist, Melon Jimenez and a percussionist. In 2021, Lara was awarded the first prize at Spain’s most prestigious flamenco music festival, Festival Cante de las Minas. Melon is Spain’s top flamenco guitarist and often performs with world-famous instrumentalists and vocalists.
She began to show interest in music from a very early time. Lara first took piano lessons and started flute at about eight. After studying at a public elementary and high school, she left Vancouver to pursue her flute study at MacGill University in Montreal. Although she majored in classical flute music at first, she moved into the jazz department at MacGill Music when she was in her second year. Since then, Lara has been working on the vast area of modern music, such as jazz, flamenco, and world music. Lara moved to Spain to study flamenco music and lived in Seville, Granada, and now in Madrid.
Due to Covid-19, the trio could not perform for over two years except for Spain and some Euro countries. Therefore, this Canada Tour is the first tour after Covid.
Generally speaking, most people will picture a colourfully adorned exotic flamenco dancer. However, this seems to be an image of flamenco planted on the tourists. Except for the restaurants and hotels for tourists, the flamenco shows in Spain still holds their tradition. Traditionally, a flamenco show in Spain consists of a guitarist, a percussionist, a cante (singer), and occasionally a dancer. Recently, some flamenco groups include violin or flute, the instruments with higher pitches/registers, which seems to replace the colourful flamenco costume.
The show is the tour’s first performance in the peaceful Sun Yat-sen Garden amidst busy Vancouver Chinatown. They are also performing on Sunday, the next day, at Queen Elizabeth Theatre as a part of the Taiwan Festival. They will fly to Toronto following the Vancouver shows.
This show will give you a privileged opportunity to savour the genuine modern flamenco show here in Vancouver!
Lara Wong Flamenco TrioはフルーティストのLara WongとフランメンコギタリストのMelon Jimenezが中心となって立ち上げたスペイン、マドリッドから来たモダン・フラメンコ・グループです。ララは2019年にスペインでフラメンコ音楽祭として最も定評のあるFestival Cante de las Minasの器楽部門で第一位になりました。メロンはフラメンコギターの第一人者で、各国の著名なインストルメンタリスやボーカリストたちと共演しています。
一方、Enduring power of attorney(永続的委任状)は、判断能力がなくなった場合でも永続的に有効というもの。委任状では財務と法務に関して委任することになるので、信頼できる人を任命することが大切。家族や友人に限らず、銀行、ファイナンシャルプランナー、ノータリー、弁護士などを任命する人もいる(通常、有料のサービスとなる)。