Good morning to 2021 economic sciences laureate David Card!
Card’s wife Cynthia Gessele snapped this photo of him speaking to #NobelPrize’s Adam Smith (which he suspected might be a made-up name) right after he had heard the news.
2月からZOOM配信による「お国自慢 – I LOVE MY HOMETOWN」イベントを開催しています。 次回、第7回目は香川県の特集です!メインテーマは・島ライフ・知られざる香川・幻の唐辛子。内容は英語と日本語で行いますので、日本のことをもっと知りたいカナダ人や日本を再発見したい日本人も参加できます。
The BC All Japanese Prefecture Association was formed this year to organize and conduct fun and informative events at a prefectural level hosted by British Columbia residents with personal ties to Japan.Since February, we have been doing ZOOM events titled “Okuni Jiman – I LOVE MY HOMETOWN”. The upcoming 7th presentation will feature Kagawa Prefecture in Shikoku. The main themes are:- Island Life- Hidden Gems of Kagawa- the “Phantom” Chili Pepper The presentation will be in English and Japanese, and we look forward to having Canadians who want to know more about local Japan and Japanese wanting to rediscover their country of birth.