The 33rd Annual British Columbia Japanese Speech Contest will take place on March 6, 2021.
The contest is open to both British Columbia and Yukon residents who speak Japanese as a foreign or second language. Its deadline is 5 pm on Friday, February 5, 2021.
Due to COVID-19, the contest will be live-streamed. The 32nd contest was held on March 14, 2020, in a reduced format with precautionary measures and was also live-streamed.
“This long-standing academic and cultural event is a wonderful opportunity for BC and Yukon students, who are learning Japanese as a foreign or second language, to showcase their linguistic skills and share their passion for the Japanese language, all within a context that is both challenging and rewarding” said Ciaran P. Dudley, the Culture and Public Relations of Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver.
Time: March 6 (Sat), 2021 High School Division from 10:00 am University/Open Division from 1:00 pm Venue: ONLINE EVENT (Live streaming)
Each contest applicant must satisfy all of the following criteria:
Is living, studying, or working in British Columbia or Yukon;
Speaks Japanese as a foreign or second language;
For the High School Division: Grades 10 – 12 students under 18 years of age, for the University and Open Divisions: 18 or over 18 years of age;
Has previously not won the 1st prize in the category for which the applicant is entering this time.
Each applicant is allowed to enter in one category only.
・High School (Beginner, Intermediate and Open) ・University/Open (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Open)
For categories other than Open, Japanese must not be your first language.
1. Online application form 2-1. Speech draft 2-2. Audio recording of speech
Application deadline is 5 pm, Friday, February 5, 2021.
All final contestants receive a participation prize.
Certificates and prizes are awarded to the top three speakers in each category.
Special prizes are awarded at the discretion of the Organizing Committee and judges.
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