#RCMPNS is responding to a firearms complaint in the #Portapique area. (Portapique Beach Rd, Bay Shore Rd and Five Houses Rd.) The public is asked to avoid the area and stay in their homes with doors locked at this time.
"I'm getting immunized to demonstrate my full confidence in the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine & to show my support for health care workers across BC who have worked so hard during this pandemic. This is a safe & effective vaccine that is helping make our communities safer.” 1/3 pic.twitter.com/1JP2J6keen
日系文化センター建設委員会のサム・ヤマモト氏、リドレス財団議長ヘンリー・シミズ氏、ダグラス・ドラモンドバーナビー市長、内田勝久駐カナダ日本国大使、連邦政府アジア太平洋地域担当国務大臣レイモンド・チャン氏、ナショナル日系ヘリテージセンター協会会長ゴードン門田氏、BC州政府多文化主義・移民大臣のスー・ハメル氏、全カナダ日系人協会(NAJC)ケイコ・ミキ氏、ジョージ・オイカワ氏によるテープカット。(Photo Courtesy of Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre)
The holidays are a great opportunity to stay home and bake some treats. Consider trying my family’s cheery cheesecake recipe! It’s simple to make and very delicious. pic.twitter.com/VwiRjaQfTH
The first doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine have arrived in Canada. These are part of the 168,000 doses we’ll be getting before the end of the month, and part of the 40 million doses we’re guaranteed from Moderna overall. pic.twitter.com/eKhQ6v8xSA